
“I’d be expecting caviar in lectures”

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I’ve finally finished my second EdD assignment and whilst reading the 150 papers in my EndNote library (exported into Nvivo to help me search through them all and code passages of course) it occurred to me that the only two papers I could quickly find were the ones that had the memorable titles. The two that I could open in a flash were called “I’d be expecting caviar in lectures”: the impact of the new fee regime on undergraduate students’ expectations of Higher Education (Bates & Kaye, 2014) and Oven ready and self-basting: taking stock of employability skills (Atkins, 1999).

These were of course great to visualise and these are the what I saw in my minds eye:

To read the rest of @jaxbartram’s post, follow this link.

Illustrated metaphors for the Postgraduate Research Experience [or persuaded by @mark_carrigan and @azumahcarol]

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In this post, #HullEdD blogger, Jacqui Bertram visualises a few of Malcom Tight’s metaphors for supervision. This has been reblogged from: 

After much persuading by the potent Azumah Dennis and engaging Mark Carrigan at our doctoral symposium earlier this month, I am now embarking on my first personal blog which will hopefully continue through my time as an EdD student and beyond.

I expect it to by mostly visual, with silly sketches and iPad drawings interspaced with odd bit of textual musing. To that end, my first post is to showcase the daft drawings I have done to illustrate some of the ‘Metaphors for the Postgraduate Research Experience’ that we contemplated as part of Malcolm Tight’s talk at the aforementioned symposium.


The research student as TRAVELLER on a journey or quest:

The researcher battles through hardships to reach their doctoral destination and grows and changes along the way.

The research student as SLAVE

The supervisor is the master in the relationship – research students are forced to undertake menial tasks.

The research student as APPRENTICE

The supervisor passes on their knowledge to the researcher who may one day become as good as them.

The research student as CHILD

The supervisor takes on a parental role with the researcher considered too immature to make their own decisions

The research student as CO-WORKER

Researcher and supervisor collaborate on work – unless the researcher is unwilling.

The research student as DISCIPLE

The supervisor is seen as the great teacher to be followed with devotion.

The research student as PAWN

The researcher is a pawn in a much bigger game – they have little power and can be sacrificed if necessary.

Thanks to @LeeFallin for this one…

The researcher as VAMPIRE FOLLOWER

The aim of the supervisors is to create more researchers just like themselves to perpetuate their race…but not before they have sucked all they can from them!

The Thought Catcher

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